Scientists have found a gigantic 'black hole' that, according to their theory, does not even exist.
The black hole is a 'stellar black' hole. This black hole is born after the big star's explosion.
Previously, researchers believed that the size of such black holes would only be 20 times larger than our Sun. They had the theory that the size of a black hole would not be too large as they would lose most of their energy and gas in the explosion of stars.
The recently discovered black hole LB-WAN has been proven to be untrue.
According to a press release published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the size of the black hole, which is 15,000 light years away from our Earth, is 70 times larger than our Sun.
Chinese researchers have published their findings in the journal The Nature.
"Most of the current theories about stellar evolution suggest that such a large-scale black hole should not exist in our galaxy," said Liu Jifeng, the head of the research team. Now the theorists have been challenged to explain its construction. '
Scientists are now surprised at how large the size of LB-WAN has become.
Here, the Chinese team has put forward various possible theories. According to the team, the size of the LB-Wan does not appear to be a single star dead, but it may be two small black holes rotating around each other.
Another possibility they presented was that it could have been made from a 'fallback supernova'. In it, the supernova, the last phase of the erupting star, sends out elements, but it returns to that supernova again and becomes a black hole.
This fallback supernova is theoretically possible but scientists have not yet proven or seen it.
If this is how LB-WAN is made, we will get evidence of this process for the first time, Chinese researchers say in the research.
However, LB-WAN is not the largest black hole we have discovered so far. Of these types of black holes, this is by far the largest.
There are many different types of black holes in the universe, including stellar black holes like LB-WAN, smaller size black holes.
Supermassive black holes are too big. They are billions of times larger in size than our sun. Scientists believe the supermassive black hole is linked to the origin of galaxies. But, they are not clear how, in the first place.
:- Help From Agency
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