Corona Vaccine Was Created By mRNA Technology. What is mRNA Technology ? Who Created This Technology ?

  Corona Vaccine Was Created By mRNA Technology. What is mRNA Technology ? Who Created This Technology ? The wait for Corona's vaccine is just about to end. Pfizer and Biotech vaccines have been approved in the UK. Another American company Moderna has also sought approval for the emergency use of the vaccine. Both these vaccines have been developed on technology based on messenger-RNA i.e. mRNA and both are up to 95% effective. Such vaccines use mRNA, which tells the body what kind of protein to make to fight the virus? But what is this technology? And who made it? What Is The First Thing mRNA Technology? mRNA or messenger-RNA is a small part of the genetic code that makes proteins in our cells (cells). It can also be understood in simple language that when a virus or bacteria attacks our body, mRNA technology sends the message to our cells to make proteins to fight that virus or bacteria. With this, our immune system gets the protein it needs and makes antibodies in our body. Its

What Is Internet ? History, Owner, Uses , Advantages And Disadvantages of Internet

What Is Internet, All About Internet, History Of Internet

What is the internet ? Use of internet, importance of internet, history of internet. I will tell you all the complete information About Internet.

Today, where the internet has become a major center of business, education, communication, technology and entertainment, it is very difficult to imagine life without the internet. While the Internet has solved many of our problems today, it has also given birth to many new problems for us.

In today's article, we will also learn about the benefits and losses of the Internet from the history of the Internet. So let's first know that..

What Is Internet

The Internet is a network of multiple connected computers that connect any computer in the world through routers and servers. In other words, to exchange information, the connection established between two computers through TCP / IP Protocol is called the internet. The Internet is the largest network in the world.

Owner of Internet

Now it comes who owns the Internet or who has a monopoly on the Internet, then there can be two answers to this question.

No one

A lot of people

1. None here means that there is no one owner of the Internet and no country or government or company of any country has any kind of monopoly on the Internet.

2. From another perspective, thousands of people and organizations own the Internet. The Internet consists of many different bits and pieces, each of which has an owner. Some of these owners can control the quality and level of access you have to the Internet. They may not own the entire system, but they can affect your Internet experience. For example, "Internet service provider companies".

Who Searched The Internet

Many people were behind the discovery of the Internet. Leonard Kleinrock first planned to build the Internet, later in 1962 J.C.R. With that plan, Licklider created a network called "ARPANET" with the help of Robert Taylor. ARPANET was used commercially in 1974 under the name TELNET. The Internet came to India in the 80s.

History of Internet

In 1969, the US Department of Defense first launched a network called Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA), which was used to send secret information. In 1971, the first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson. As soon as its benefits came to be known, its usage increased. The Internet came to India in the 80s.

Uses Of Internet

Today, the scope of internet usage has become very unlimited. In its initial phase, the scope of the Internet was very limited and it was used only for the exchange of information related to scientific and defense related work.

But as the common man came into the reach of the internet, the scope of its use has increased and today it is being used in unlimited areas and the internet has become an integral part of our life today. Today, the use of the Internet will be used in many things such as:

For entertainment

For banking

To transfer any document via mail

To talk to each other

Can make new friends

can study online

You can do shopping at home

Can read news

You can collect bills for mobile, electricity, phone.

For the promotion of business.

for advertising

For any kind of information etc.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet

While the internet has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages, if you talk about benefits, through internet, sitting online banking, electric bill, online tv movie, game, shopping, video calling, file sharing and studying. You can do it, it also has some disadvantages.

Some people get used to it and stick to it day by day, which can reduce the light of their eyes, it also affects the memory of people as well as memory, as well as using the Internet there is also a risk of virus. And some hackers can also steal your personal information which can be financially harmful for you.


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